Monday, October 24, 2005

Droning On

Been a busy month or so: putting the "finishing touches" (yeah, right) on "Three Years" (damn, but I sure do likes me that final BeakerFA pic of super-sized heroine June looking both blowsy and happily at peace with herself), plus helping the WG Story Drone as he puts up fresh fiction on the new Dimensions Stories Board.

The Board was wisely erected by webmaster Conrad Blickenstorfer to address an overflowing mailbox of Weight Room submissions that had swollen to over the century mark in the months since yours truly had resigned the post of Weight Room Librarian. At least one of these offerings is being posted on the board every day, and the speed with which this is being accomplished is owed to two facts:
  1. Aside from the kind of egregious misspellings that spell-check can readily capture, the stores aren't being edited; and

  2. Board software makes the tedious task of html coding unnecessary.
Judging from the number of hits the Board has received to date, the practice seems to be working to readers' satisfaction, though based on what I've seen in the Weight Room, I know that some of the more ungrammatical offerings have yet to be posted. Despite being posted in web board format, the stories don't seem to generate much actual comment aside from an occasional "Awesome!" ā€“ unfortunate, since most writers would benefit from some real feedback (even if it's only to teach the writer the difference between the words "brazier" and "brassiere") ā€“ but not unusual in my own experience.

Still, it's great to see Stories Board up and at 'em. Though most of the offerings are being posted by the Story Drone and taken from the mailbag, I'm heartened by the sight of several postings being made by the writers themselves. At some point, after all, that massive mailbag'll be depleted ā€“ and a steady stream of prolific fanta-sizers will need to take up the slack . . .