Where’s Wilson?
Apologies, gang, for my prolonged absence from this blogging thing: real life (most particularly, a house that's been gobbling up most of my weekends as we futilely try to spiff it up for sale in a worsening market) has been intruding most heavily, I fear, and my time here has consequently suffered. For those interested in my fanta-sizing fiction, I have managed to complete a new story (complete with snappy BeakerFA graphic) for Dimensions On-Line, but though I originally planned to get the thing on the site in the beginning of July, to date I've been unable to do so: my old FTP Explorer won't let me in. Don't know what (if anything) this portends for any future Dim projects, but I know I still have a few more stories in me. Stay tuned . . .
UPDATE (8.4.06): Heard back from Conrad B., Dim's heart & soul & tech lord, this a.m. Apparently my inability to do any file transfers is related to the site changing servers. So hopefully, I'll be able to get the story on-line soon . . .
UPDATE 2 (11.16.06): "Soon" turned out to be three more months, but the story has finally been posted here.
UPDATE (8.4.06): Heard back from Conrad B., Dim's heart & soul & tech lord, this a.m. Apparently my inability to do any file transfers is related to the site changing servers. So hopefully, I'll be able to get the story on-line soon . . .
UPDATE 2 (11.16.06): "Soon" turned out to be three more months, but the story has finally been posted here.